Launching SSD4 as a multi-output player does just this.

While you may be happy to use the internal mixer and stick on some compression and EQ, and with the quality of the samples provided this is easily possible, most of us want to break out the sounds across our DAW mixer. In putting together the new player the Slate team has been very aware of how their customers want to use it. One of the great features of the Slate sound is that his samples take EQ, compression and other effects extremely well. As for MIDI mapping it is very simple and you can store your own settings - useful if you need to use it with different controller options. There are only a few of these right now but Slate will add to these as time goes on. You can audition the MIDI grooves directly in the player and when you find one you like just drag and drop into your DAW. These are as straightforward and easy to use as the rest of SSD4. You'll see that there are also MIDI groove and MIDI mapping options.

This enables you to tailor the sound of, say, the room mics without affecting the dry sound. While close mics go to discrete channels in the SSD4 mixer the OH and Ambience mics default to mixed stereo channels.īelow that you can adjust the pitch of each individual mic set and its attack and decay envelope. Here you can decide where each mic set goes. Just below where you select the mic set to edit you find the Routing Destination. Cymbals have two mic sets, overheads and room, while every other kit piece has three: direct, overhead and room. As you select each kit piece you can then choose which microphone set you are editing. You can also change the trigger note for each element here. The first bit of this to look at is on the left and is where you can change the volume and pitch of each drum.įor a complex drum such as the snare you can individually adjust the volume of each element, although as they are very well balanced already you will find yourself mostly adjusting the global level. Having chosen your kit you can then fine-tune it in the edit instrument page.
You can choose your view of the drums, either as a kit or a series of cells, but either way you just drag onto the position you want. As it's just drag and drop, this is very simple. If the very broad selection of presets doesn't give you what you want then you can always build the kit from scratch. Mr Slate has enlisted producer Griffin Boice to provide this set, and judging by the sound of them it was a wise choice. The new kits are the 'Deluxe' versions and come in categories such as rock, vintage, funk, and so on, and then you get SSD Classic, which are all the ones we know from SSD3 and finally, a bit of a departure for Slate, electronic kits.

The first of these, 'Construct Kit' gives you two options in the Library Browser, to either load a preset kit or just individual kit pieces. Once launched you will see a list of buttons on the left.